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Addiction Assessment and Aftercare

Helping you achieve total recovery and overall wellness from your addiction

The first step to addiction recovery is recognizing that you need help. Prime Behavioral Health is committed to providing you with the best care possible and striving hard to achieve the best possible recovery outcome.


Our addiction assessments focus on connecting with the clients and understanding their specific needs. Some of the steps involved in an assessment include:

students of psychological course counseling one another

  • Talking to the family and encouraging their involvement in the process
  • Communicating openly with the staff, patient, and family
  • Prescribing the right medications whenever necessary
  • Conducting follow-up appointments consistently
  • Re-establishing trust between patients and their families


We make it our commitment to regularly check up on you and update you about your progress. While aftercare may vary from one person to another, our licensed therapists will continuously communicate with the patients and performing follow-up appointments. This way, we can help guide you better to your overall wellness.

Get in touch with us
Our therapists can answer your questions about our assessments and aftercare. Rest assured that we value your privacy and confidentiality. Call us at 301-477-2128 to speak with a therapist or Set An Appointment today.

If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide or are concerned about a loved one, please contact Maryland’s Crisis Hotline at +1-800-422-0009 or you can reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you don’t feel comfortable speaking to someone, you can use the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741. For immediate crisis support, please call 911. For other resources, please visit https://www.mdcrisisconnect.org/.